Constellations Evolutives, Constellations Familiales, constellations systémiques, constellations évolutives, développement personnel, accompagnement spirituel, Lyon, Villeurbanne, thérapie, thérapie familiale, thérapie de couple, enfant, adolescent, transgénérationnel, soins holistiques
Constellations Evolutives, Constellations Familiales, constellations systémiques, constellations évolutives, développement personnel, accompagnement spirituel, Lyon, Villeurbanne, thérapie, thérapie familiale, thérapie de couple, enfant, adolescent, transgénérationnel, soins holistiques
Cabinet Valérie MANCINI Constellations Familiales Évolutives &Thérapies
Cabinet Valérie MANCINIConstellations Familiales Évolutives &Thérapies

English version 



Since the age of 20, she has always been been interested in the Human and his well-being.

After getting a specialized diploma, she started to work in psychiatry, and then to get involved in disadvantaged neighbourhoods and social homes. 

In this way, she was able to reach different categories of people in great psychological difficulty.


She then broadened her inner search as she understood that well-being was accompanied by the consciousness of a meaning to his life. This will be her quest, the search for Inner Joy, to which she has remained attached for more than twenty years and which continues to nourish her on her way.


Several therapeutic approaches and many complementary trainings have will also contributed in building her career path. Her initiatory journey will pass through the East and the world of shamanism, and will led her to visit many times India, in order to deepen her knowledge of herself. 


Today, her experience as a Western woman nourished by Eastern experiences leads her to propose an holistic and concrete guidance, and to accompany people who wish to go on the path of their True Nature.





- Therapy consultations :


  • Private consultations in the office or by phone

With the help of many tools : 'Evolutive Constellations ©', Family Systemic Constellations, sophrology, intuitive dialogue,... 

  • A few words on 'Evolutive Constellations ©':

    In the extension of Family & Systemic Constellations, Valérie created the 'Evolutive Constellations' in 2005, which allow to find a concrete place in our environnement (emotionally, professionally, socially, spiritually), and to feel good in our body and our mind.



- Workshops :

  • Evening groups : Evolutive Constellations - 1 evening per month


  • Personal development weekends : Evolutive Constellations with theme (Masculine / Feminine parts of ourselves, Recurring Patterns...) and various Personnal Developpement workshops.


  • Long-term workshops : a series of weekends for those who are willing to go deeper in their own understanding. 
    The first level is held for a year and a half (a weekend per month). The following three levels aim to go further in the knowledge of ourselves. 



- 'Soin Lumière' sessions and associated workshops:



  • A morning in which an soft and caring embrace given by Valérie, in silence, helping us to reconnect to our inner energy. 


  • During these sessions, she prefers to use the indian name she received by a great sage after a profound initation : Vilaas Chetana (the Game of the Consciouness). 


  • Her Darshan 'Soin Lumière' (i.e. Light Care) is based on donation only

>> Find out more information on the dedicated website :



Valérie is also on social media and offers some inspired message and videos : 

Had a therapy consultation with Valerie or want to make a donation?
Find the payment options below : 
(Some option may appear on computer screen only)

If any issues, please contact us by phone or email.

Cabinet Valérie Mancini

19 rue Decomberousse

69100 Villeurbanne

06 71 90 87 09

Découvrez le programme "A la recherche du bien-être ~ Calmer le stress et les peurs" et devenez l'Architecte de votre bien-être !

Constellations familiales évolutives, Lyon, Villeurbanne, thérapies, Valérie Mancini C Cipanga ©
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